Bentuk Lain Dementor

Aku bukan penggemar berat Harry Potter sih, tapi ya menurutku film Harry Potter itu baguus. Sayangnya aku baru tahu itu sekitar 6 bulan yang lalu. Kasian kali aku ya. Jadi dari dulu aku gak pernah nonton Harry Potter, maksudnya gak pernah ngerti jalan ceritanya. Tapi aku tau kok kalo Harry Potter itu ada. Tau. Aku cuma gak hobi nonton. 
Dan semester lalu, pernah sekali kawan kuliah ku cerita tentang sesuatu yang ada di Harry Potter, dia nyebut : DEMENTOR. Dan aku cuma melongo. Aku gak tau apa itu Dementor. Aku cuma tau Harry Potter. Udah. Itu aja. Dan kawan aku ini sukses kaget. 
Orang hidup mana yang gak pernah nonton Harry Potter? 
Ya. aku.

Meet Vietnamese

So I had a shift today in lovely AMCOR. Pas lagi nyusun-nyusun buku, ada yang nanya tentang program-program AMCOR yang emang tertulis di papan tulis depan.
Logat bicaranya agak aneh, perawakannya juga gak kayak orang indonesia asli.
Tapi aku mikirnya, mungkin dia keturunan tionghoa.
Setelah ngobrol beberapa kalimat, barulah terungkap bahwa sebenarnya dia adalah orang Vietnam.
Today I went to college with a very good mood. There would be a quiz this noon, so I didn't want to mess it up, I built my good mood so that I could answer the questions. But! I met a wrong person at first, before I came in. I don't know how to explain, but I felt not good after had a short conversation with this person. 
I come with a conclusion that, not everyone you thought was good, is actually good. You have to be ready in meeting a really annoying people through your days. Yea I know this kind of thing is so natural. I know. I just want to, um, yeah, write it as my experience.

Don't expect too much that all people around you are as good as you thought. BUT, note this, you don't have to think negatively about them as well, stay positive. They are not worth it in getting you have a bad day. 

 How do you write a love letter to a place? To a time? To bittersweetness?